Team Prototype
All Days Never Gone is a first-person 3D experience where the player is guided through an allegorical representation of depression through repetitive, mundane environmental storytelling designed to motivate the player to stop playing.
What I Worked On:
Day Cycle Functionality
Level Design Work
Environmental 3D Artist
This 4 week prototype was created by Wizards of The River.

The player can interact with different objects around the room, each giving a different response depending on how the player is feeling that day.
(Example: Book might open up on a sad poem on a sad day)
The player will notice subtle changes throughout the experience depending on the mood of the player.
I mostly worked on the programming and modeling for this project.
For programming, I focused on the day cycle the player goes through when playing the game, and how the objects change in the environment depending on the day.
For modeling, I made objects in Blender, which was my first experience to using a 3D modeling software.
The team tried to balance the core principles of game design with the foundational concept of 'Getting the Player to Stop Playing,' as well as getting the environment to invoke the tone of depression, rather than boredom.