Team Project
Firework Frenzy is a VR project developed by a team of 13 students meant for Bradley University's annual department wide showcase. 14 teams gave pitches for their ideas and only 6 were chosen, with this being one of them.
What I Worked On:
Task Management in Trello
Programming of VR Input
Programming of Firework Framework
Designed Firework Types

I was the Team Lead for this project, meaning I would assign tasks to students from different disciplines through Trello and manage tight deadlines that would need to be met.
I also was a programmer and designer for the project, coming up with different types of fireworks that the player could customize and programmed how the fireworks would actually be displayed to the player. This was the first time working on a project in VR and it was interesting tackling different problems that would appear.
The project was made in Unity and coded in C#.
This project ran from the original pitch back in October 2022 and became a fully finished product at the end of April 2023. Many different design decisions and user experience decisions were tackled in order for the player to really engage in the experience we wanted to present to them.
This project was targeted for a 2 minute experience and was meant for all ages to enjoy, so this was a main concern that the team really tried to nail down.